Pro AV News and Tech Tips

Our blog is dedicated to bringing you the lastest information related to the audio, video, presentation technologies and the people who love them.

Meeting Room Upgrades to Digital

If you use laptops, PC’s, or Apple Mac's for your meetings and presentations and have conference rooms or meeting spaces that are more than 2 years old, I ask that you consider contacting JP Lilley. Here are some things that have changed in the business world with computers and displays.

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Lease for Peace!! Leasing Your Video Conferencing System

Leasing Your Video Conferencing Systems

Lease for Peace!! Leasing Your Video Conferencing System

Peace of mind that is. So many times in my career I have seen customers compromise the quality and the functionality of their meeting space audio visual systems because they never really expected the systems to cost what the proposal listed.   You have a choice that can salvage your plans! CONSIDER LEASING! Get what you need today and lease it!!!

  17495 Hits

Think Lease! Spend Smart!


Think Lease!   Spend Smart!


Are you protesting technology change? states that “Technology typically is very fast in terms of what we are aware of. An example would be computers which are outdated fairly quickly. Most experts say overall advancement occurs on average between 15 and 18 months though.”

  15633 Hits