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PreSonus added to JP Lilley line card

PreSonus added to JP Lilley line card


PreSonus Audio Electronics has become known for delivering professional quality audio products at affordable prices to audio professionals, musicians and hobbyists around the world. The PreSonus staff in the sales, engineering, and customer service departments all have years of experience in professional audio as musicians and sound engineers which brings passion for music-making to every facet of the company. PreSonus' founder and President Jim Odom is credited with two RIAA Certified Gold Records, one Certified Platinum Record along with two Ampex Golden Reel Awards as a musician/producer/engineer.


In addition to experience in audio, the design engineers have extensive backgrounds in military specification surface mount technology ensuring all PreSonus products are built to last and can handle real-world situations. Our staff takes pride in the fact that PreSonus products boast one of the highest reliability rates in the industry. Also PreSonus holds patents in digital control over analog which was used in PreSonus' first product, the award-winner DCP-8 in 1995.

PreSonus now offers over twenty products and is committed to developing great-sounding and useful tools to enhance the creation of music.


To learn more about PreSonus, schedule a product demo or to get a sales quote call us at 800.554.5539 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Tim Henry to Oversee North American Sales at Vaddi...